Embracing Change: How Coaching Transforms Your Life Feb 17, 2024

Change, in any form, always comes with it’s own challenges and discomfort – whether it's pivoting to a new career path, mastering a novel skill set, improving personal relationships, or breaking free from detrimental habits. At some point, almost everyone will face the need for change...

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With Gratitude for My Inner Child Coach Dec 08, 2023

“Life is not a series of crises to be endured. Life is to be enjoyed.”

These wise words from Tara Schusterhave resonated deeply with me throughout the past year as I started on a transformative journey with my exceptional Inner Child Coach, Ashley.

In early 2023, I attended a...

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Making a Career Transition: A conversation between me and my friend Elizabeth Freeman Oct 27, 2023

Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to develop strong, long-lasting relationships with colleagues who, throughout the years, have become dear friends. Elizabeth Freeman is one of those whom I met over a decade ago at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center while consulting for the...

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Discover why your success should look different from everyone elseโ€™s. Sep 22, 2023

Have you ever asked yourself how you define success? This is a word we use all the time - we want success, we believe we are successful. But what does that really mean? Has your definition of success changed over time? I’m guessing it has. This is another tool that I use with clients when...

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What I gained from being a Chief Compliance Officer! Aug 28, 2023

Most of my clients come to me because they are unsure of how to figure out what they would like to do next in their career - whether it be on their current path or something completely different. This post is about how I reflected on my own career path and determined what strengths and skills...

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My story: pivoting from a long-term corporate career to executive coaching Jul 16, 2023

Hello, I'm Julie, your new career transition & leadership coach. When I meet with potential clients, they often ask —how did you make such a big transition from working in the healthcare industry for 25 years to becoming an executive coach?

Let me give you a quick review of my career up...

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