With Gratitude for My Inner Child Coach

career transition corerisingblog julie's story Dec 08, 2023
Sunrise at the Pier in downtown St Petersburg FL

“Life is not a series of crises to be endured. Life is to be enjoyed.”

These wise words from Tara Schusterhave resonated deeply with me throughout the past year as I started on a transformative journey with my exceptional Inner Child Coach, Ashley.

In early 2023, I attended a business coaching conference and sat next to the person who would become my next coach. She introduced herself as an inner child mentor and coach who helps people integrate with the parts of them that need healing. I had been feeling incredibly stuck in a few areas of my personal life (for years) and felt a connection with her right from the start. I felt that I needed to try something new to help me get unstuck and establish a new path forward.

Ashley and I began working together on March 31. I had no idea how much growth and transformation would occur. I want to share the highlights of my experience, the important lessons I've learned, and the profound changes that have been happening within me during our six months of coaching.

Impactful changes I've noticed:

Gratitude as a Mindset Shift

One of the first practices Ashley introduced was a daily gratitude exercise. Each day, I would text her four things I felt grateful for. This simple yet powerful ritual aimed to shift my mindset towards positivity and abundance. Being held accountable by texting her daily kept me committed to this practice. Over the course of six months, I felt like my thoughts are being rewired, and I began to focus on the blessings in my life rather than dwelling on challenges. This shift became a game-changer, fostering a more optimistic daily outlook.

Self-Talk and the Weight of Expectations

Perhaps the most impactful change came in the way I spoke to myself and the weight I placed on expectations. In areas of my life that didn't align with my desires, I often berated myself to feel like "I should be further along" or that "others should show up for me more consistently". Through working with Ashley, I gained awareness of this damaging habit that I kept imposing on myself.

Ashley helped me understand that giving weight to these issues, only perpetuated guilt and shame from my end. Through coaching, I learned to accept where I was, shift my perspective, and offer myself grace through self-compassion and positive self-talk. Breaking free from the cycle of negativity allowed me to genuinely grow and flourish to the person I am today, slowly shaping the future version of myself that I am becoming.


Rediscovering Joy and Fun

Ashley also encouraged me to reconnect with activities that brought me joy in my youth. Rediscovering hobbies such as horseback riding, biking, roller skating, tennis, and watching movies had surprisingly profound effects. Incorporating these activities into my life opened my mind to greater creativity and fun, transforming me in significant ways.

Deepening Self-Knowledge

Throughout the coaching sessions, many of our conversations revolved around areas where I felt stuck and those areas where I'm thriving. The true "work" lay in the deepening of self-knowledge, in increasing awareness of who I am, who I was, and who I aspire to be. Reflecting on my reactions and responses to various situations offered profound insights into myself. These conversations acted as mirrors, revealing areas that needed attention while highlighting the significant progress I had already made.

This transformative coaching journey with Ashley has been a revelation. It's not simply about fixing my problems; it's about embracing life with joy, gratitude, and self-compassion. As I continue on this path, I now carry the wisdom that life is not just to be endured, but indeed to be enjoyed to the fullest.

And, I value the opportunity of sharing this message forward to my clients and other people (like you!) who are looking for a different path forward. Together, we can embrace life's joys and create a fulfilling existence.

If you're interested to learn more about Ashley and how Inner Child Coaching works:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyabramsonunicorneffect/
Website: https://bigmiracleenergy.com
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@bigMiracleEnergy

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Book a discovery call with me if you have questions or would like to know more about Career Coaching: https://calendly.com/corerising/30min