Discover why your success should look different from everyone else’s.

career transition corerisingblog julie's story Sep 22, 2023

Have you ever asked yourself how you define success? This is a word we use all the time - we want success, we believe we are successful. But what does that really mean? Has your definition of success changed over time? I’m guessing it has. This is another tool that I use with clients when we are working on their career and life transitions. It is important to understand their values, as well as what success really means to them, and this question helps prompt them to discover more things about themselves and understand what they truly value as a person.

I recall a client who shared with me that when she wrote the answer to this questionseeing it written on paper or screenshe read it, and realized that her answers were always based upon her family and society’s opinions, not her own. So she spent time rewriting her answer until she was finally able to determine her own definitionand it was very different. Then when she shared and described it to me, she further realized that even through revisions, she still came up with descriptions that were still not her own and that she needed to redefine for herself. At a vantage point, it might seem like a fairly easy question to answer, but the more you practice it and give more thought to the importance of defining your real meaning of success, it becomes a more helpful tool for understanding yourself, and what you have been putting more priorities on aside from yourself (your values, your own beliefs, or your personal goals). 

I also encourage you to try this exercise. Your answers may surprise you.

On the topic of success, here is a little peek of what success looks like for me these days. From a work and career perspective, I now look at success as having the ability to work with clients whom I really have a connection with and we have a shared energy. Success in my life looks like having the freedom to live where I want to live and creating my days. Success also looks like having a coach who helps me move to the next level. I have found that coaching is something that personally works for meboth as my career and also as a resourceto help me advance myself and overcome my own internal (and external) barriers, doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs. I have experienced transformation personally by working with my coaches over the years and know what it feels and looks like to truly transform. It is about going deep into who I am, who I want to become, what my values and strengths include, and how I want to use them in my own life and work.

So what do I recommend to clients? (and also you reading this blog) I really recommend setting aside time for yourself to ponder and journal on this question about what success means to you - in your work, life, and your future. Remember, everyone’s definition of success is different (and it should be different) because we each have our own values to build that definition on, and we are all at different stages of life. It changes over time. Take this as one of the helpful ways to dive deeper into yourself and see what comes up. Or maybe, share it with someone you trust as a way of evaluating how honest you’re being with yourself. Give yourself the opportunity to think about what success truly means to you, so you can start creating it for yourself. Wishing you a beautiful day!