Uncovering strengths and achieving goals

Brandon's Story

Brandon, a Neuromodulation Sales Representative in the Healthcare sector, found himself at a professional crossroads. 

One year into his new position and on the brink of starting an MBA program, he sought to enhance his career trajectory and prepare for academic challenges ahead. This led him to our 7-week coaching program.

Digging Deeper: Unveiling Potential and Crafting a Career Blueprint

Our initial sessions with Brandon focused on identifying his strengths and aspirations. Through the StrengthsFinder assessment, we pinpointed Brandon's unique talents and discussed strategies to integrate them into his daily work. The odyssey career plan exercise further clarified his vision, charting a path from his current role to his five-year professional goals. These tools provided Brandon with a personalized framework for success.

Life with a Coach: Gaining Insights and Building Strategies

During our sessions together, Brandon learned the significance of acknowledging every achievement, cultivating a habit of recognizing and replicating successful behaviors. He fully engaged in the structured guidance and interactive exercises that not only addressed his immediate needs but also equipped him with lifelong skills. With each session, Brandon gained clarity and confidence, ready to tackle his evolving career and educational pursuits.

Post-coaching, Brandon experienced profound growth in both his professional and academic life. He approached his MBA program with newfound skills and a clear mindset, a result of the strategic planning fostered during his coaching experience. His career also benefited from the actionable steps outlined in his odyssey plan, which kept him motivated and focused on his long-term goals.


Advice from a Coachee: Why you should try out coaching


Reflecting on his journey, Brandon alludes our coaching program for providing him a clearer roadmap for his career and believes that the professional development benefits have been instrumental in preparing him for his future opportunities. Brandon encourages other professionals and leaders ake control of their careers and personal development; and consider coaching as a transformative resource, capable of unlocking potential and propelling one towards their desired future.